Excelsior, Città del Messico

20 aprile 1995

Fighting against torture, the principle of the CNDH

Jorge Madrazo, president of the National Human Rights Commission ….. talked about the exhibit: “this exhibit may seem a horror theater.  But I think it is understandable to have negative impressions in this rightful fight against torture. I believe that all means are valid, if valiant and lawful. I hope that one of the effects, one of the first consequences of these initiatives, will be first of all an adequate legislation to come into force in Mexico to prevent and punish torture and to be applied in all the cases. So that there will be no impunity for torture or for any other violations of our fundamental rights. And maybe thanks to these impulses, the Mexican state will finally approve the international law which recognize torture as a indefeasible crime;  so that society and state  will cease once and for all this shameful practice.”

Fighting against torture, the principle of the CNDH, Excelsior, Mexico City
20th April 1995