La Prensa, San Diego

26 Luglio 2002

The “Inquisition” exhibit reopens at the Museum of Man

The San Diego Museum of Man, in collaboration with Amnesty International, the Survivors of Torture International and the San Diego Friends of the Tibet, has reopened and expanded the most popular and revealing exhibition ever presented in its 90 years of history. The exhibition will be inaugurated on the 17th August with a presentation by the Revered Palden Gyatso, a Tibetan Buddhist monk who has been tortured and incarcerated in China for 33 years and whose story  is narrated through the exhibit. Gyatso will tell his experiences and show some of the contraband instruments of torture used in china. After his speech, he will officially inaugurate the exhibit with a blessing.

The “inquisition” exhibit reopens at the Museum of Man, La Prensa, San Diego
26th July 2002